Making My Home More Energy Efficient

Making My Home More Energy Efficient

Squirrel, Mice Or Rat: How To Know What Is Scurrying Behind The Walls Of Your Home

Aubrey Kelly

It starts with a rustle in the walls or a scurrying of footsteps in the attic. An invasion has begun, and every homeowner knows of the frustration this type of visitor is capable of creating. Rodents are a serious concern because of their potential for damage. They chew wiring, rip up insulation and can get into food supplies and spread disease. Of course, most people will agree that the most annoying fact is that they are only inches away and still impossible to catch. The question many people have is whether the infestation is mice or squirrels.

This is partly a question of mere curiosity, but determining the pest can help to eliminate it faster. Each animal will have its own habits, and that is how exterminators are able to outsmart the creatures and make their client's home pest-free once again. It is not always possible to tell by the level of noise they create, and they are usually sneaky enough to remain hidden from view. However, there are some indicators that can make identification easier.

Identifying Squirrel Infestations

  • They typically enter near the roof and can access small openings, but will often chew around the opening to make it easier to enter and exit.
  • They are the most active during the daytime and are less likely to be heard at night.
  • Squirrels leave their droppings in piles, rather than scattered everywhere like mice and rats.
  •  Their droppings are slightly larger, and lighter in color than rat droppings.
  • Squirrels usually enter homes looking for shelter, not food. They are less likely to leave signs of their presence in the kitchen or around animal feed.

Identifying Mice Infestations

  • Mice like to enter around small openings like drainage pipes and are more likely to come in from the ground rather than the roof.
  • They leave very small droppings that are usually scattered everywhere they have roamed.
  • Will often be heard scampering through walls.

Identifying Rat Infestations

  • Rats produce larger droppings than mice and darker droppings than squirrels.
  • They are much more active at night and are rarely heard during the day.
  • Rats will often leave a greasy stain along the walls where they are entering or exiting due to the natural oils in their fur.
  • They are commonly found in attics, but can inhabit walls, too.
  • They are very destructive and can frequently be heard chewing.

Rat and mouse traps are readily available, but it is always a good idea to contact an expert to remove any pest. Wild animals are savvy survivalists and can easily avoid traps. Poison is dangerous in homes with pets or children and even the process of removing rodent waste can cause diseases to spread. An extermination company like Environmental Services Pest Control can trap or kill rodents on site and help to remove debris and waste afterwards.  


2017© Making My Home More Energy Efficient
About Me
Making My Home More Energy Efficient

After struggling with yet another high power bill, I realized I really needed to work on my home's energy efficiency. I started thinking about what I was doing wrong, and it occurred to me that it might be smart to install solar panels and perhaps a windmill. I started going through and evaluating my personal impact on the power grid, and I was able to calculate that those additions would be a good idea. This blog is all about reducing your impact on the environment so that you can enjoy a happier, greener life, and spend less money during the process.
