Aubrey Kelly
With the convenience of single stream recycling for consumers comes a price for recycling centers, who must contend with inappropriate items being tossed into recycling bins.
Single stream recycling allows several types of recyclable materials to be placed in a single recycling bin for curbside pickup. This differs from earlier efforts in municipal recycling programs, where recyclables were required to be sorted according to the material composition of the items. Glass containers, plastic containers, and paper products are placed in separate bins for pickup and delivery to the recycling center.
The main benefit of single stream recycling is that it mimics the use of a single container for garbage disposal. This familiarity and ease of use encourages participation in recycling efforts, but it also blurs the line between recyclable material and garbage when active sorting is removed from the consumers' hands.
Which types of recyclable materials can be placed in a single stream recycling bin?
Which types of recyclable materials cannot be placed in a single stream bin?
These types of recyclable materials must be taken to a private recycling business or to a local public landfill that has facilities for accepting hazardous recyclable materials.
Common items that must not be placed in recycling bins
Contaminated paper products
This includes used paper towels and tissues, as well as paper plates and containers from fast food or take-out restaurants.
Broken or burned out light bulbs
Plastic bags
Filled plastic bags are thrown away at the recycling center because of time constraints and possible safety hazard to workers, and empty plastic bags cause damage to automated sorting machines at the centers.
Glass from broken windows or mirrors
Styrofoam containers
Ceramics such as plates, bowls, or figurines
Rules for recyclable materials can also vary according to local jurisdiction. For example, some local government agencies allow waxed containers such as ice cream cartons and waxed and laminated paper, while others do not.
Consumers must be mindful when considering which items to throw into their recycling bin, both for practicality and for the safety of the workers at the recycling facilities.
Curbside recycling is implemented to supplement regular garbage disposal efforts by recycling the byproducts of daily consumption when possible. Save broken furniture, burned cookware, and other junk for your next trip to the landfill, and keep hazardous and toxic substances in a safe place until they can be taken to a safe disposal site.
For more information, contact B-P Trucking Inc or a similar company.
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